Using Successfully an Asset Tracking System: 10 Key Tips

Have you ever rummaged through a cluttered drawer, desperately trying to find something meaningful? Imagine that on a much larger scale, like trying to locate assets in a bustling warehouse or keeping tabs on equipment across multiple job sites. That’s where an asset tracking system is handy, turning chaos into order. 

These systems are game-changers for businesses, helping to monitor and manage assets efficiently. But just having one doesn’t magically solve all problems. It’s all about how you use it. Stick around, and we’ll walk you through some essential tips to get the most out of your asset tracking system, ensuring it works as hard for your business as you do.

Understand Your Needs

It’s crucial to get a clear picture of what you need before diving into any system. Consider the types of assets you’re tracking. 

Are they physical goods, vehicles, or maybe even people in terms of staff? Different assets have different tracking needs. For example, tracking a fleet of trucks is not the same as keeping an eye on office laptops.

Once you’ve nailed down what you’re tracking, consider the specifics. How often do you need updates on each asset’s location or status? What kind of data is most important to your operations? Answers to these questions will guide you in setting up your asset tracking system effectively.

Choose the Right Technology

There’s a buffet of technologies out there for asset tracking. From RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) to GPS (Global Positioning System) and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, each has its strengths. The trick is to match the technology with your needs.

RFID is great for close-range tracking, like scanning items in a warehouse. GPS, on the other hand, is your go-to for tracking vehicles or assets in transit. IoT devices offer a smart blend, providing real-time data and insights. 

Consider your environment, too. Some technologies work better indoors, others outdoors. Making the right choice here can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

Implement with Care

Rolling out a new system can be daunting. It’s not just about the tech but also about getting everyone on board. A smooth implementation starts with a clear plan. Break down the process into manageable steps. This could mean starting a pilot program for a specific asset category before expanding.

Training is another critical piece of the puzzle. Ensure everyone using the system knows how it works and the benefits. Keep the communication lines open. Feedback from early users can be invaluable in tweaking and improving the process.

Keep Data Clean

As they say, garbage in, garbage out. The value of your asset tracking system heavily depends on the quality of data you put into it. This means keeping your asset database up-to-date and error-free. Regular audits are your friend here. They help catch discrepancies and ensure that the physical state of your assets matches what’s in the system.

Encourage a culture of accuracy among your team. When everyone understands the importance of precise data, they’re more likely to take the extra moment to enter information correctly.

Integrate with Other Systems

An asset tracking system shines brightest when it’s not a lone island. Integrating it with other software tools you use can unlock even greater efficiencies. For example, linking it with your inventory management system can provide a holistic view of stock levels and asset locations.

Look into how your asset tracking system can communicate with financial software, HR platforms, or customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This connectivity can streamline workflows and provide richer insights, helping you make informed decisions.

Customize to Your Needs

One size does not fit all. Thankfully, many asset tracking systems offer customization options. Tailor the system to suit your business like a glove. This could mean custom fields for specific asset information, tailored reports, or alerts that make sense for your operations.

Don’t be shy about contacting the vendor for help with customization. They can often offer insights or solutions you might have yet to consider.

Leverage Mobile Capabilities

In today’s fast-paced world, mobility is critical. A good asset-tracking system will offer mobile apps or web interfaces that let you access data on the go. This is a game-changer for on-site asset management or teams spread across different locations.

Make sure your team is equipped and trained to use these mobile tools. Updating or checking asset data from a smartphone or tablet can significantly increase efficiency and responsiveness.

Regularly Review and Optimize

Setting up your system is just the beginning. The magic happens when you regularly review its performance and look for ways to optimize. This could mean adjusting how often you track certain assets, streamlining data entry processes, or exploring new features your vendor has added.

Stay in touch with how your business needs to evolve and tweak your asset tracking system accordingly. It’s a tool that should grow and change with your company.

Stay on Top of Maintenance

Like any other technology, your asset tracking system needs regular maintenance to perform at its best. This doesn’t just mean updating the software, although that’s certainly important. It also involves checking the physical components involved in tracking, like scanners, tags, or other hardware.

Ensure these devices are in good working order and replace or repair them as needed. Regular maintenance reduces the risk of downtime and ensures that your asset-tracking efforts aren’t interrupted by technical issues.

Foster a Culture of Responsibility

Ultimately, the success of an asset-tracking system hinges on the people using it. Encourage a culture of responsibility and accountability within your organization. Your system will genuinely thrive when everyone understands the value of accurate asset tracking and takes ownership of their part.

Celebrate successes and positive outcomes achieved through effective asset tracking. Highlighting these wins can reinforce the importance of everyone’s participation and diligence.

Train and Retrain

Technology evolves, and so do your business needs. What worked at the initial rollout of your asset tracking system might need adjustment as your company grows and changes. This means ongoing training for your team is crucial. As new features are added or processes are tweaked, ensure everyone stays in the know.

Don’t forget about new hires. Incorporate asset tracking system training into your onboarding process to ensure everyone is on the same page from day one.


So, there you have it: some golden nuggets to ensure your asset tracking system isn’t just another piece of tech but a powerhouse driving your business forward. Remember, it’s not merely about having the fanciest tools but about how you use them that counts. 

But don’t let it end there. As your business evolves, so should your asset-tracking efforts. Stay curious, be willing to adjust, and keep the conversation going with your team. After all, the goal is to make your asset tracking system work so smoothly that it feels like a natural extension of your business.

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