The Benefits of Software as a Service for SMEs


It used to be the case that bespoke software solutions were only used by big business – those who could afford to pay for software and apps that would make it easier to run the business efficiently.  However, in recent years Software as a Service (SaaS) has made software much more affordable for smaller companies, allowing them the opportunity to bring their businesses bang up to date for the 21st Century.  SMEs make up around 90% of all industries in most countries around the world, employing a large percentage of the labor force and forming the backbone of the economy.

A warehouse and stock management software solution can make a huge difference to a company, allowing it to expand and take on new, larger clients with confidence.  Innovative bespoke software will allow an organization to keep track of products and processes and will provide a rapid return on investment (ROI).  This allows the company to enhance their service offering and improve efficiency without any impact on staffing.  Additional benefits of using warehouse management software include improved customer satisfaction with full transparency.  The resulting boost in productivity will serve to reduce costs and increase lead times.

Complete stock visibility is essential, especially for small to medium sized companies with valuable components or equipment.  The advantages of having accurate, up-to-date information will lead to improved accuracy within the supply chain, saving both time and money.  Stock management software means that existing business processes will be improved and existing systems are future proofed for a long lasting solution.  Business reporting becomes more accurate – a quick and simple process that makes for complete transparency, an important consideration in today’s business world.

To keep everything instantly accessible and right up to date, many of these software packages come with mobile apps which allow SMEs to ensure real time updates when personnel are out in the field.  A field sales management app means that team members can take orders at any place, with the option of checking a customer’s order history and account status.  They will also have accurate information on product availability at any time while the central database is kept up to date even when orders are taken in the field.

Small and medium companies all over the world are realizing that logistics software solutions are now eminently affordable.  One of the main advantages of using up to date software solutions is that it allows companies to compete effectively in today’s market.

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