Category: ERP Integrations
ERP Integrations,Press Release
Launch of Cutting Edge Mobile Solution TouchERP for Sales
Empowers Field Sales with Smartphone Apps for BPCS/ERP-LX......
Blog,ERP Integrations
How to Seamlessly Implement a New SAP System (2 of 2)
In Part 1 of 2, we started discussing the steps you should take when implementing a new SAP system. Here are the two remaining steps that will complete the process and mitigate future issues. 3. Training This cannot be stressed enough. The “train the trainer” method is often code...
Blog,ERP Integrations
How to Seamlessly Implement a New SAP System (1 of 2)
It seems like one of the biggest concerns that businesses have in implementing a new SAP system is how it will affect the system and processes that they are currently using. There are many factors that lead to significant and unexpected issues during any major system implementation, especially ERP functionalities such...
ERP Integrations,Press Release
TransitionWorks Now SAP Certified
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Debbie Shropshire Tel: 336-885-1373 Cell: 336-337-3219 Email: TRANSITIONWORKS NOW SAP CERTIFIED Offers Seamless Transition Between BPCS and SAP TouchPath announced today that its core software offerings recently obtained formal certification to be used with SAP’s ERP solutions. After 6 months of development and testing, the...
Powerful Technology
Through our single robust platform TransitionWorks, TouchPath provides flexibility, scalability, and reliability to every solution we deliver. Each application has the ability to capture data via multiple methods including sensors, scales, PLC’s, Biometrics, barcodes, as well as all spectrums of radio frequency identification (RFID). We offer seamless integration with ERP, third party and legacy systems.
The TechnologyPersonalised Services
From initial assessment through Go-Live, we ensure that the solutions you have chosen provide you with the competitive advantage you seek. We’re with you along every step of the design and implementation process. We provide training to ensure each customer gets the most from their solution
With our flexible design tool, a custom tailored solution can be built and deployed in hours or days, not weeks and months, which is much more cost effective than customizing your ERP. Keep your ERP vanilla!
Personalised services